M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy
M51, also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, is a beautiful example of a type Sc spiral galaxy.
M51 is located in the constellation of Canes Venatici and is oriented nearly face-on as viewed from earth.
The smaller galaxy, NGC 5195 is gravitationally bound to M51 into which it will eventually merge.
M51 is located approximately 37 million light-years from Earth.
Image acquisition and processing information:
Date: February 6th and 7th, 2022
Telescope: Celestron Edge HD 14" telescope - Focal Ratio: F11
Mount: Astro-Physics AP-1200 GTO CP3
Camera: ZWO ASI-6200 MM Pro monochrome camera equipped with a ZWO 7-Position Electronic
Filter Wheel with 2-Inch Filters
Image acquisition software: Sequence Generator Pro v.
Exposures: 31 five-minute exposures binned 3x3 using a IR/UV cut filter for luminance, 20 five-minute exposures each binned 3x3 using red, green and blue filters
Guiding: Guided through the imagaing scope using ONAG XM on-axis guider using a ZWO ASI-183 MM Pro guiding camera also binned 3x3
Image processing Software: PixInsight v.