also known as the Black Eye Galaxy, is a type Sb spiral galaxy
located in the constellation Coma Berenices. The large dark
structure near the galaxy's central bulge is a very large area
of dust that is obscuring the stars behind it. Recent observations
of M64 with the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed that the
outer portions of the galaxy are rotating in the opposite direction
of the inner portion, which has lead to the theory that M64
is actually the later stages of the merger of two former galaxies.
The areas that border the counter-rotation are areas of intense
star formation. M64 is located approximately 19 million light-years
from earth.
Image capture and processing information:
Date/Location: May 01, 2006, Lake Sonoma, Sonoma County, California
Instrument: Meade DSI II Pro through a Celestron CM-1100 Schmidt-Cassegrain
reflector using a Meade .33 focal reducer
Focal Ratio: f3.3
Guiding: Autoguided through a modified Orion ED100 refractor
using a Philips Vesta Pro webcam (SC-Modified) with Guidedog
Conditions: Hazy
Weather: 53 F, Party Cloudy, Breezy
Exposure: 5 minutes Luminance (10 x 30 seconds)
Processing: Focused and captured with Meade Autostar Envisage.
Image processed using Meade Autostar Image Processing and Microsoft
Photo Editor